PPG Newsletters



Our practice base PPG meeting will be on Thursday 28th November 2024. All members are welcome to join. PPG members will be contacted (if not already)


Thank you to everyone who attended our Patient Participation Group meetings this year. We are always grateful for your feedback and are pleased that good progress continues to be made.



1. Phone System

Getting through to the practice on the phone continues to be a problem for some. We upgraded our phone to a cloud based telephony system however the feedback received today was the welcome message was too long. Also, less menu options were suggested.


  • 1. To reduce the menu option to 3 or less.
  • 2. Review and recompile the telephone welcome message.


Thank you to everyone who attended our Patient Participation Group meetings this year. We are always grateful for your feedback and are pleased that good progress continues to be made.

Please see our Annex Report that has been provided to our Clinical Commissioning Group along with our agreed Action Plan by clicking on the links below.

Patient Participation Report 2016 (PDF, 283KB)

Action Plan 2016 (PDF, 104KB)



1. Phone System

Getting through to the practice on the phone continues to be a problem for some. We upgraded our phone system but patient feedback continues to raise this as an area for improvement.

Action: We explored other options with our network service provider and were promised a more sophisticated phone system which would allow us a greater amount of options. Progress was very slow and the service provider needed to be chased constantly. Eventually after having being promised a more integrated system we were told that they were unable to help. This was extremely frustrating. We have reported this back to our PPG and are now pursuing other service providers.

2. Carer Support

Some patients (who are carers) have mentioned that although they receive good support from the practice, they need additional help and support at home but are unaware of whom to ask, where to go and what is available to them.

Action: We discussed this internally to see how much the staff new about this type of issue. see if more information, support and guidance can be provided to reception staff to better inform patients/carers

3. Online Appointments for other devices

The service for patients to book their appointment online is working well and some comments were received indicating that a downloadable App would be most welcome for patients to use on their mobile devices.

Action: We discussed this with our website developers and they have provided a link on our website to the Apple App Store and Android Google Play (www.queensparkmedical.co.uk).


Practice Survey

At Queen’s Park Medical Practice we were keen to understand more about what matters to patients and to involve them in discussions about their care so that we could continue to deliver the highest-quality service.

A Patient Group was set up in November, comprising of a good cross section of the practice population, including working and non-working adults, carers, the elderly, young people and parents. It was difficult to recruit men to the group, however some agreed to discuss questions over the phone and other family members agreed to feedback on their behalf e.g. mothers and sons. A generic questionnaire was developed covering agreed priority areas and then sent out via the post, electronically, read out over the phone and a face-to-face meeting with patients was also held.

Click here to view the Patient Questionnaire.

Click here to view the Patient Group Report.

The following areas were covered in the questionnaire and nineteen questions developed:

  1. Attending the practice
  2. Getting through on the phone
  3. Seeing a doctor
  4. Seeing a nurse
  5. Arriving for the appointment
  6. Opening hours
  7. The appointment experience
  8. Overall satisfaction

Thirty five responses were collected and a report produced with an agreed action plan.

In summary

All patients were pleased to be involved in discussions and were grateful to have had the opportunity to put over their views.

Areas for improvement included:

  • the attitude of practice staff, highlighting comments received
  • the practices opening hours, extended hours and the range of services provided issues surrounding dispensing

In order to address the areas for improvement we propose to take the following action:

  • Provide feedback to the receptionist, locum and practice nurses on the survey findings and offer training where required
  • Ensure that the practice leaflet, website and notice board are updated with information on the range of services available by different health professionals
  • Provide details on opening hours, extended opening times and what patients should do if they have a problem ‘out of hours’ on the practice website and notice board
  • Review dispensing issues with pharmacists/chemists and patients
  • Provide a suggestion box in the reception and an opportunity for comment on the website


Coming soon…